6 Items College Students Must Have

In their first year, most of students worry about everything they need. And usually they do not know what is it. So to keep it simple college school supplies are basically the same as in the high school. List below are 6 items you must have so those little odds will end.

- Cellphone
This item is hard to go without going to campus. Wheter you need directions somewhere and having a car trouble, or just want to call... your friends and family or even your boy/girlfriend :p, you will need this one. Accidents happen suddenly, so be prepared.

- Agenda
There will so many dates you want to remember. Wheter it is your exam date, someone's birthday, or your doctor appointment it is really hard to keep these dates organized . You will definitely need an agenda.
- Credit Card
You should have credit card. You never know when you might get a car trouble, and usually many students do not carry much cash all the time. This card is very useful. It is important to know the difference of what you want and what you need. Use them wisely.
- Voice Recorder
With the prices you payed in college for a class, it is important to get all you can out of college. Record a lecture and listen it it untill you understand!
- Computer with Internet Access
It is so important to find a computer with Word software and internet access, because it seems you will be lot of typing. You will be doing many researching in the internet too!
- Small Bills and Change
This way you can at least buy some snacks and drinks if you need a bite to eat because you might have forgotten to pack a lunch.
It is almost imposible to go to campus without these things, these few things will making going to college much easier. Even they may require some money.

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Comments :

4 comments to “6 Items College Students Must Have”
PestoriA said... said...

It'll be so useful tips for me

Anonymous said... said...

These things are really must-have's for college students. Especially the agenda, with all the subjects that you will have, the different schedule, teacher, room, assignments, requirements, an agenda is a necessity. I think every college student should also need a Bible. There has to be a growth not only of one's physical, intellectual, emotional aspect, also of the spiritual.

Awws said... said...

"- Voice Recorder
With the prices you payed in college for a class, it is important to get all you can out of college. Record a lecture and listen it it untill you understand!"

What a briliant idea

Erika said... said...

Oo yeaahh my stuff is already complete

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