Best 10 Veterinary Colleges

Do you have a plan on becoming a veterinarian?? Maybe you want to go to a popular campus that will give you a well-rounded education. When the time to choose a college has come, it is very important to know which campus are great, and which ones are not. Because many campus cater to spesific areas, some are clearly better than the others.
Here are some colleges in 2009, that you may want to check out. If you are looking for any veterinarian type program...

  • Auburn University in Auburn, AL
  • Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, AL
  • University of California in Davis, CA
  • Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO
  • University of Florida in Gainesville, FL
  • University of Georgia in Athens, GA
  • University of Illinois in Urbana, IL
  • Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN
  • Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS
  • University of Minnesota in St. Paul, MN
Those colleges have a branch of veterinary medicine itself that is recommended by the American Veterinary Medical Association, otherwise known as the AVMA.
Beside those colleges, there are the other that would make a great campus as well. Such as Cornell, Univerisity of Pennsylvania, North Carolina State, Texas A and M, and many more.
Remember this. Just because those colleges are great for veterinary medicine, it does not mean going to be the greatest for you. I recommend that you would look back on a post that i wrote before What Should We Consider to Find the Right College for Us

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Comments :

16 comments to “Best 10 Veterinary Colleges”
Jagoan Dollar said... said...

nice info :)

Unknown said... said...

yes, i would like to be a veterinarian, but in US is too far away from my country Indonesia..
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Anonymous said... said...

nice post for readers

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Iwan said... said...

Great info, you have great source.

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Anonymous said... said...

Looking for good veterinary colleges is difficult when you do not have the resources and information. Thank you for this article, you have given a list and made the search easier. I just hope I can also find in the net the corresponding tuition and fees these schools give.

quark said... said...

I killed and ate a vegetarian once... tasted like spinach...blah

Anonymous said... said...

What a moron, he thought it was about vegetarian's... its about veterinarians.

Quark your a idiot!!

Lecture Robot said... said...

Well my Omegel friend, Sorry I scared you off!

John said... said...

It makes me laugh when i reads those comments//

Alexis said... said...

I have read one here who thought its about the vegetarian but its actually about veterinarian...

Well, trusted veterinarian schools are not easy to find, but thanks that you have this list.

CriSpZ said... said...

=) hahahaa...
You are welcome Alexis


=) hahahaa...
You are welcome Alexis

Mira said... said...

According to me, Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, AL is the best veterinarian college...

Anonymous said... said...

Very nice article of yours

Anna said... said...

Aooo my university places in rank #7 from best veterinary college ever!!!
Im soo proud..haha

Praxis I exam said... said...

Thanks for compiling the information in the nice way. I agree with you that just joining the prestigious university serves no purpose professionally, until you select the right college offering the course of your choice. I would suggest not to do compromise your choice for the sake of college banner.

learn spanish phrases said... said...

I believe Lousiana State University has a great veterinary program. They have a separate section on the campus dedicated to the animals and their care!

You should also learn spanish phrases if you go to a college in a spanish-speaking area.

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