What Should We Consider to Find the Right College for Us - #3

About the Setting (where do you want to live) 
The physical neighborhood may be one of the important reason for you to consider. Many people prefer the social and cultural of a big city. A major metropolitan area could offer many benefits, but students must conform to the lifestyle of the big city.A university that is located in the center of a city often consists of multi-storied class buildings and high-rise dormitories too...

The others want to go to a college with a rural setting. There are many universities in a rural setting that are located hundred miles from the nearest big city. The decision of the location of the college setting either should eventually include where you will have most comfort living for next four years.

Besides that, the expense of travel, the effects of living in a certain climate, and the desire to stay near your beloved persons are the other factors too. Is not that right?

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