What Should We Consider to Find the Right College for Us - #1

In deciding which type of college will best meets your necessary and aptitude, there are many things to consider.
Here are some factors you will need to think again in deciding which college you want to choose. 

About the Academics (what course are you looking for)

Education is the main reason for going to college. The variety and the atmosphere of course studied is the most important reason...
However, if you are choosing a college based solely on it having a certain major or field of study. Research prove 90% of most college alumnus do not major in the field of study they had expected. This is the several reasons.

The first is, most colleges have major in subjects you've never learnt before.
The second, your interests may be change because the experience you gained as long in the college.
Be realistic about your competence and your talent. Be sure to pursue a course of study that is of genuine interest to you, not just one you think might lead to a good career.
Let's take a time to explore your option.

If you have a great interest in a particular area like science, you must evaluate its facilities and offering to that area to make sure they have suffice resources. Remember that most of small colleges may not offer major in certain professional fields, among of them are engineering, physical therapy, or business.

But don't you exclude the small college, however, simply because you think the resources may be insuffice. Just remember that all of the resources are available to its undergraduate students, while at a large univers.ity the specialized equipment might be reserved for graduate students only. Think it clearly.

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Comments :

4 comments to “What Should We Consider to Find the Right College for Us - #1”
Johan said... said...

Heyy thx for the tips..is there reason #4??

Top Accounting Colleges said... said...

Defiantly Education is the main reason for going to college. That's why it is always important to find out best college and best course from it.

writing assignment said... said...

If you want to get the skinny on a college, you need to talk to one or more of the people who attend the school. They can give you the type of information that you'll never find in a college brochure.

College and University Search said... said...

I have to say your whole series 1-5 was very helpful to me in selecting a graduate school, not undergrad as intended. I was able to translate some of the information to help me with my narrowing down of programs. I also agree with the poster above me, I did make sure to ask current students what they thought of the teachers, workload and the value of the degree.

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