Using Credit Cards in College

When students are in their college years, which is their prevalent time that they apply for their first credit card. This is a good way to build some good credits, and to eventually prove that you are able to pay-off your purchases, which will then help you to get a large loan for the future. If you want to learn how to use a credit card properly, and you are a college student. Then you should continue reading below!

 - Amounts
Do not spend more than you make. That is a definite thing, but some people still do not follow it. If you do not buy everything you "want" on your credit card, and you have the money to pay it off, you will be fine. It is that simple. Many people rack up their credit cards, and do not have money to pay for it.

- Paying on time
You also want to make sure that you are paying your credit card bills on time. If you do not you may have a cost, and your credit score will drop eventually.

- Full amount
Whenever you can pay your credit card bill off in full, do it. You never want to pay the minimum amount due to your interest rates at the end you will make you end up paying much more than you thought before. So, always attempt to pay off your bills in the full amount.

- Do not exceed
You may also considering this one, never want to exceed your credit card limit. Because if you do, you will see that it will not work again until you pay it off.  That may not seem like a big problem, but when you have to pay the over limit fees. I assure you will not be happy!

- Keep track
I am sure that you will want to keep track of everything you purchased on your credit card. Because that will make you keep in your budget, and will allow you to see how much you are spending. It is easy to forget the little things that we bought, which add up over time!!

Using a credit card takes a lot of responsibility. It can be a great thing for people, and it can also cause a lot more damage to others. So, if you do not think you are ready for one, do not consider getting one yet.

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Comments :

2 comments to “Using Credit Cards in College”
Praxis test said... said...

The good thing about being a student is you don't have a credit history which works to your advantage in applying for the best credit cards for students. The best credit cards for a student will offer low APR. Try to find cards with the lowest APR possible so you won't end up paying more interest than you should. There are plenty of credit cards that offer high interest rates but since you don't have a credit history they should be avoided altogether. Your credit history should enable you to receive a decent APR. One good thing to keep in mind if you are in college searching for student credit cards understand that credit card companies love students. They will easily give students cards because they understand that making the decision to pursue a college education shows them you have a degree of responsibility.

Anna said... said...

I think keeping track is very important.

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