What Should We Consider to Find the Right College for Us - #4

About the Campus Life 
Wether you enjoy your times will often depend on the life experience on a college university. Learning in campus comes not only from your work in class but also through association with your friends, extracurricular, hang out in the dorm. Below are the some factors that can influence your experience...

 - Housing Living on Campus
For the first years of a college experience is important to most students. Dormitories can become the focus of campus life and the easiest first way to meet new comrades :D. If it is an important review for you, remember to ask the availability of campus housing for four years to any college you are interested. It is because there is some colleges only have enough for the first year of its experience. :(

- Extracurricular Activities
This one you have follow are not only fun but also be the part of your learning experience. Look at the many books of colleges to see what are available. Ask to people at colleges you are interested to find what the most popular extracurricular on the campus. Also do not forget to ask how easy it is to start a new group if you have certain interest there is not represented on the campus yet. :t

- Campus Employment
Most of students will hold a part-time job on campus or off while enrolled full time on campus. Ask to current students about its availability and what types of jobs students usually get. Some colleges are starting to define the number of available jobs for students, with budget cutbacks. So if you need a job, but have to find one-off campus, think about the additional costs of transportation and the time involved in getting a job.

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Comments :

Anonymous said... said...

In my experience living costs are the most important things to consider! Things such as textbooks , rent, food, and all other costs need to be considered ahead of time to avoid excess stress through the semester. Simple things, such as buying used textbooks rather then new ones helped me save money.

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